First Snowfall in OCTOBER in Washingtion DC 2011

 Surprise Surprise Surprise...

Here on a Holiday Vacation at my Sister's in DC.  The day that I arrived, on October 8, 2011, it was a balmy 70 degrees.   Actually it felt cool compared to the 70 of Tropical Puerto Rico were I reside.  I was glad to be here as I wanted to witness the beautiful Fall weather ... with the changing of the leaves and also would give me time to gradually adapt to the new climate.  The first week was quite lovely with beautiful blue skies and fluffy clouds.  I knew that I was lucky to be enjoying this ... Indian Summer.  I also knew that it would eventually come to an end and even in the early part of this week I walked in the misty rain enjoying the ... ethereal ... feeling of the foggy streets in front of me.  Even stopped to take some photos. Mind you, back home I would never walk in any type of ... precipitation (great conductor for havoc on the hair) but  here as a Tourist I found it just ... lovely.  Then last night there it was on the news.  There was to be a ... Historic ... East Coast Snow Storm. It had been 60 years since it had snowed in October.   My Sis blamed the weather men and women who she said and I agreed that sometimes seem to ... exaggerate or inflate a bit, perhaps magnify or simply overstate the weather.  I saw the craziness that went on in the Hurricane Season with reporting right from the shore lines on the verge of getting ... swept away ... by the angry waves ... needless to say this may have been another of those times. I was anxious to see what would happen this morning.  Woke up about 9am ... sky was heavy with clouds and light rain was falling but not as bad as I thought it would be.  Decided to go ahead with my plans ... bundled up and headed out.  So far so good I thought then at about noon it started to happen. Light flurries ... oh so gorgeous ... so mystical.  Went into a Shopping Mall and when I came back out ... it was a whole new world out there.   COLD ... WINDY and the frozen precipitation in the form of white/translucent hexagonal ice crystals that fall in soft, white flakes were BIG. Definitely a Winter Wonderland.  I was a witness to the ... Historic Snowstorm of October 29, 2011 in Washington DC.  Lucky me;-)

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